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Amazon no longer offers Bill Me Later

As of December 31, 2008 Amazon will no longer offer BillMeLater as a payment method. All sales and orders processed with BillMeLater prior to 12/21/08 will continue to be processed.

It does not surprise me that Amazon will terminate their relationship with BillMeLater. If you recall back in October eBay purchased BillMeLater. With eBay as the new owner, they would have access to information Amazon would not want their noses in.

I have mixed emotions of Amazon not offering BillMeLater. When Amazon initially offered BillMeLater, I ran campaigns promoting the service. My sales nearly doubled that week alone. Buyers calling asking for details about BillMeLater. eBay has too much and Monopoly is what comes to mind.

This is a big year for eCommerce as well. You will find Google Checkout becoming more popular and eCrater stronger and more popular. This is a great time to sell or start selling online. You have options and many of them. Some requiring a small investment and other absolutely Free.

Ibn Sina (980-1037), in describing the Habbatus Sauda or Black Seed as that which stimulates the body's energy and helps recovery from fatigue or disspiritedness. The body, in losing energy, also loses its ability to fight off toxins, resulting in a greater chance of contracting illness. BLACK SEED is phytotherapuetic (Herbal medicine ) and has been known to reduce your risk to illness and disease by strengthening your immune system and protecting your body’s most important organs. It is a wondrous herb that has been used for centuries throughout the world for its many therapeutic properties.

It is an excellent phytotherapuetic medicine used for millenniums to treat a variety of conditions related to respiratory health, skin, stomach and intestinal disorders, kidney & liver function, circulatory and immune system support, and to maintain and improve overall health. Phytotherapeutic- simply put, consists of the treatment or prevention of ailments and diseases through the usage of plants.


30 ml : RP 100,000.00 (Indonesia) @ USD10.00 (NOT INCLUDING TRANSPORTATION)
Payment : Paypal, Western Union & TT

Order : Email to bonoriau [at]
            Malaysia click here           

Note : Looking for LOCAL & International distributor. Discount 30%. 
           Interested  please email to bonoriau [at]

Tudung Online dot Com

If you are in Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei and Singapore and are looking out for Jilbab/Tudung supplies or you need someone to source out for you certain items that you need...head on over to Tudung Online today or click the banner!!


With MuslimSocks or most people known it as 'stokin wudhu' all you have to do is wear your pair of socks just like normal. It is so convenient that you don't have to remove the socks when taking your ablution (wudhu) or entering the bathroom.

The MuslimSocks has a special opening under the toes.
When taking your ablution (wudhu),

you just need to pull the socks up (without removing it)
Once you are done with the ablution (wudhu),

simply rolls the socks down to cover back you toes and it's all done!

Kaos kaki wudhu hadir menghapus kesulitan anda saat wudhu. Tanpa perlu melepas kaos kaki, anda bisa menyempurnakan wudhu dengan cukup menggulung kaos kaki wudhu anda ke atas. Desain yang khusus diciptakan untuk memberikan kemudahan untuk para muslim, akhwat, lelaki karir, dan siapapun. Tinggalkan kaos kaki konvensional dan nikmati pengalaman dan kemudahan bersama kaos kaki wudhu.




For local buyers, I accept Bank to Bank transfer (Indonesia, Singapore & Malaysia)

For International buyers, accept Paypal/ WesternUnion/ MoneyGram/ TT

Consumer Price

Indonesia : Rp13,000.00
International : USD3.00 per unit
Malaysia : RM14.00
Singapore/Brunei : $6.00
(Price including cost of sending)

Entrecard Members : 1000 points per unit

Distributor Price/Grosir : Discount 30 - 40% (Negotiation for big volume) + website

Note : Looking for distributor for Malaysian/Singapore/Brunei/Iran/Saudi/Turkey please
email to

Note : Looking for Muslimah Socks(Kaos Kaki Wudhu Wanita)

"Sebuah novel yang sangat menggugah. Siapa pun yang membacanya akan termotivasi dan merasa berdosa jika tidak mensyukuri hidup."

- Andy F.Noya, Host acara dialog Kick Andy

Book Review
This novel is a great reading for those who searching for the meaning of life itself. The story is focused on the life in Timah - Belitong, an island in Indonesia. IKAL, the main character that represents Andrea Hirata, the novel''s writer himself. His poor family condition doesn''t keep his father to give IKAL a proper education. IKAL was sent to the village school that far from the standard of education. The school only has 10 students. But fortunately, in this school, IKAL learned many important things in his life. More than learning how to read, count or even being a champion. With all member of Rainbow Warriors : MAHAR (an exentric artist), LINTANG (the genius one), TRAPANI (a mother complex), SAMSON (the bulk), SAHARA (the only girl), KUCAI (talkative), HARUN (who always trapped in his childhood life), SYAHDAN (the loser), and A KIONG (brother of IKAL''s first love), he lived his school life that full of surprised. Defeating another school in carnival contest, debating a professor in debate contest, until searching for FLO, child from the rich family, who finally join in Rainbow Warriors'' school. They did a lot of craziness, almost everyday. Even crossing the sea to find a shaman loved by MAHAR and FLO. But everything has an end. Economic condition became main forces that separated them.


Cerita terjadi di Desa Gantung, Kabupaten Gantung, Belitong Timur. Dimulai ketika sekolah Muhammadiyah terancam akan dibubarkan oleh Depdikbud Sumsel jikalau tidak mencapai siswa baru sejumlah 10 anak. Ketika itu baru 9 anak yang menghadiri upacara pembukaan, akan tetapi tepat ketika Pak Harfan, sang kepala sekolah, hendak berpidato menutup sekolah, Harun dan ibunya datang untuk mendaftarkan diri di sekolah kecil itu.

Mulai dari sanalah dimulai cerita mereka. Mulai dari penempatan tempat duduk, pertemuan mereka dengan Pak Harfan, perkenalan mereka yang luar biasa di mana A Kiong yang malah cengar-cengir ketika ditanyakan namanya oleh guru mereka, Bu Mus. Kejadian bodoh yang dilakukan oleh Borek, pemilihan ketua kelas yang diprotes keras oleh Kucai, kejadian ditemukannya bakat luar biasa Mahar, pengalaman cinta pertama Ikal, sampai pertaruhan nyawa Lintang yang mengayuh sepeda 80 km pulang pergi dari rumahnya ke sekolah!

Mereka, Laskar Pelangi - nama yang diberikan Bu Muslimah akan kesenangan mereka terhadap pelangi - pun sempat mengharumkan nama sekolah dengan berbagai cara. Misalnya pembalasan dendam Mahar yang selalu dipojokkan kawan-kawannya karena kesenangannya pada okultisme17 Agustus, dan kejeniusan luar biasa Lintang yang menantang dan mengalahkan Drs. Zulfikar, guru sekolah kaya PN yang berijazah dan terkenal, dan memenangkan lomba cerdas cermat. Laskar Pelangi mengarungi hari-hari menyenangkan, tertawa dan menangis bersama. Kisah sepuluh kawanan ini berakhir dengan kematian ayah Lintang yang memaksa Einstein cilik itu putus sekolah dengan sangat mengharukan, dan dilanjutkan dengan kejadian 12 tahun kemudian di mana Ikal yang berjuang di luar pulau Belitong kembali ke kampungnya. Kisah indah ini diringkas dengan kocak dan mengharukan oleh Andrea Hirata, kita bahkan bisa merasakan semangat masa kecil anggota sepuluh Laskar Pelangi ini!

Writer : Andrea Hirata

Publish : 2005 (already reprint 18 x and Indonesian Best Seller)

Language : Indonesia

Price : USD20.00 (Malaysia, Brunei & Singapore - discount 20%)

Payment : Paypal, Western Union & TT

Order : Email to admin [at]

Medicinal Leech Therapy is undergoing a renaissance in recent years, both in terms of how well the effects of using leeches are understood, and in the discovery of new clinical applications which have resulted in remarkable outcomes.

Leeches use for treating abscesses, painful joints, glaucoma, myasthenia, and to heal venous diseases and thrombosis. Medical leeches are used in plastic surgery, for improving brain circulation and for curing infertility. The general use for leech therapy are:

Inflammatory Reactions, Heart Diseases, Rheumatic Diseases, Tendovaginitis and Tendinitis, Venous Disease and Varicose Veins, Arthrosis, Arthritis, Muscle Tension, Antidyscratic therapy ( blood purification and regeneration) of toxicoses and mental illnesses, Thrombosis and embolism, Passive congestions and spastic conditions, Vertebrogenic Pain Syndromes and Transudates and exudates

Prices :

Indonesia : RP100,000
Malaysia : RM29.00
Singapore/Brunei : $16.00
International : USD25.00
(Prices including delivery cost accept Malaysia)

Please email to order.

This book introduces the basic principles of using leeches in clinical practise, and clearly sets out the methodology and potential applications. Emphasis is given to those areas of medicine where scientific studies have already provided firm evidence of success.

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